Run your own networking event

Become a business networking leader with P2G

Being the organiser of a successful networking event gives you the platform to be seen as a leader and authority in your community. Through the organisation and promotion of the event you are able to engage with people in a different way you would have done previously. Where as in the past you may have introduced yourself and tried to market your products and services, having something extra to offer an individual is more likely to lead to further engagement. This gives people more of a reason to connect with you, and creates more opportunities for you to promote your business.

Why join Pathway2Grow?

  1. Pathway2Grow is a recognised organisation that has been organising networking events since 2012.
  2. Our events are proven working formats that have been tried and tested
  3. There is already existing branding marketing and literature which is recognised within the industry with a proven track record
  4. We already have an operational website and social media platforms that you can access, again saving you money from setting up your own
  5. We provide a central facility for posting events, accepting bookings and collecting fees saving you time from having to do the administration yourself
  6. You will be part of a team with training and ongoing support from head office
  7. There is a possibility you can monetise from your events depending on how successful they are

5 benefits of becoming a Pathway2Grow Regional Director
  1. Become the ‘Go To Person’ in your community
  2. Raise your personal and business profile
  3. Learn new skills through organising events
  4. Get satisfaction from helping others
  5. Earn extra income as a result
Do you fit the criteria?
  1. Do you work in B2B?
  2. Do you want to grow your business?
  3. Do you enjoy working with a team player, sharing ideas and supporting others?
  4. Are you social media savvy? And do you like technology?
  5. Do you love developing and forming business relationships?

Book onto an event